Located in Marina, CA, the cross roads between Monterey and Salinas Valley. King Chiropractic is dedicated to the restoration of health and fitness, by using the most up to date technology today. Our clinic utilizes the Sigma Pro Adjuster Instrument which is favored by many of our patients and is utilized in many different sports teams world wide.


Steve King DC

Steve King, DC is the chiropractor who started King Chiropractic. He graduated from Cleveland Chiropractic College, Los Angeles. He loves what he does and doesn’t plan on retiring any time soon. He says, “chiropractors don’t retire, they just crack up”.


Daniel S. King DC

Daniel S. King, DC graduated from Palmer College of Chiropractic West, in San Jose, CA. He is an ICPA certified chiropractor (specializes in pre & post pregnant women, pediatrics, and families). He is all smiles, loves to laugh, loves to work with people, and is a really passionate chiropractor.

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